More International Resources Examples

How the Dutch Delivered a Traffic Safety Revolution

Source: CityLab
Discusses research focusing on how The Netherlands worked to change a traffic fatality rate that was almost as bad as that of the US in 1970 to now having one of the lowest rates in the world.
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Boston, MA: Varied Reactions to COVID Spurred Bike Lane Construction

Source: The Boston Globe
Reports that since the pandemic began, many streets in Greater Boston have been transformed to accommodate safer biking and biking has increased in most Massachusetts municipalities by more than 25%. Local businesses,
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Bronx and Brooklyn, NY: Essential Workers Get E-Bike Discounts and Loans

Source: Next City
Describes a program to give frontline essential workers in the Bronx and Brooklyn boroughs of New York City subsidies and loans for e-bike purchases to make their commuting easier and more affordable.
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Los Angeles, CA: E-Bike Last Mile Package Delivery

Source: Fast Company
Reports on a program in Los Angeles, CA that will use a network of hubs to disperse pre-packed cargo containers pulled by e-bikes to make the last mile of shipping deliveries and reduce time stuck in traffic and carbon emissions.
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Snow Clearing Shows Us What Cities Care About

Source: America Walks
Decries car-centered snow clearing practices that leave roads salted and bare while sidewalks remain packed with ice and snow that residents and businesses must each individually clear.
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New USDOT National Roadway Safety Strategy and FHWA Update to Highway Safety Improvement Program

Source: USDOT
At its core, the NRSS is a USDOT-wide adoption of the Safe System Approach, focused on five key objectives: safer people, safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds, and post-crash care.
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Cycling on a Protected Dutch Intersection Video

Source: Bicycle Dutch
Shows via a short video how a cyclist uses a Dutch protected intersection.
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Australian Guide to Road Safety Audits

Source: Austroads
Provides practical guidance on procuring, managing, and implementing road safety audits, and offers a recording of a webinar on the guide.
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European Geometric Design Parameters for Cycling Infrastructure

Source: European Cyclists' Federation
Offers a factsheet of the most common requirements in geometric design standards for bicycling infrastructure adopted across 15 different European countries.
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Portland Pollinator Corridor Bikeway Case Study

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Profiles the development of a pollinator coordinator bikeway in Portland, OR.
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