More International Resources Examples

Cycling for a Few or for Everyone

Source: World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol. 15, No. 1
This article reports empirical evidence that multi-faceted strategies (education, enforcement, and provision of facilities) are more effective in increasing cycling safety and raising overall cycling levels.
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Sustainable Transport that Works

Source: World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol. 15, No. 1
This paper describes how Germany has balanced high levels of car ownership with safe, convenient, and integrated public transport, cycling, and walking alternatives.
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The Role of Public Policies in Promoting the Safety, Convenience, and Popularity of Cycling

Source: World Transport Policy and Practice
This article is a response to the critique by Heath Maddox that was published in the special issue on bicycling of WTPP (Volume 7, Number 3).
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Making Crosswalks Safer for Pedestrians: Application of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Pedestrian Safety at Crosswalks in St. Petersburg, Florida

Source: Center for Urban Transportation Research
Overview of the multidisciplinary program implemented in St. Petersburg, Florida to increase motorists yielding to pedestrians, reduce pedestrian-motor vehicle, and increase pedestrians' feelings of comfort and safety in crosswalks.
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Guidance Memorandum on Consideration and Implementation of Proven Safety Countermeasures

Source: Federal Highway Association
FHWA memo of action on consideration and implementation of proven safety countermeasures.
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Special Report: Accessible Public Rights-of-Way Planning and Design for Alterations

Source: Public Rights-of-Way Access Advisory Committee
This technical assistance publication has been developed to provide guidance in the planning and design of pedestrian improvements constructed as part of an alteration project.
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Cycling in the Netherlands

Source: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Cycling accounts for 27% of all trips in the Netherlands; a comprehensive report (in English) on cycling in the Netherlands is now available.
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Compilation of Pedestrian Devices in Use at Grade Crossings

Source: Federal Railroad Administration
This document was developed as a first step in providing future guidance for the selection and installation of pedestrian traffic control devices at railroad grade crossing.
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Pedestrian- and Transit-Friendly Design

Source: Florida Department of Transportation and American Planning Association
A quick guide to pedestrian needs that must be considered during development. Attention is given to the placement of parks, buildings, transit stops, and sidewalks that create a network to connect these amenities.
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Smart Mobility Framework: Phase I Report (Revised) Definition and Principles Workshop Summary

Source: Caltrans and Environmental Protection Agency
A joint project by Caltrans and EPA to develop a framework for classifying and prioritizing transportation and development projects with a multimodal approach. Caltrans is currently developing this into a Smart Mobility Handbook.
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