More International Resources Examples

Safe Streets for Seniors

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
In New York City, adults aged 65 and older make up 12 percent of the city's population, but accounted for 39 percent of its pedestrian fatalities between 2002 and 2006.
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World Class Streets

Source: Public Roads Magazine
New York City is transforming itself into a metropolis that is friendly to bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders. Learn how the Big Apple is doing it.
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Field Test Results of the Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets

Source: Transportation Research Board
Field Test Results of the Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets (MMLOS) explores the result of a field test of the MMLOS in 10 US metropolitan areas.
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Pedestrian Safety Guidelines

Source: Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO)
The primary goal of these guidelines is to offer recommendations on how to enhance the pedestrian safety within the CAMPO area.
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City of Bellevue Pedestrian & Bicycle Transportation Plan Report

Source: City of Bellevue Transportation Department
This report contains information on the policies and projects in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Facility Plan, and describes the deliberative process that created it.
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Toward Universal Access: Americans with Disabilities Act Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Self-Evaluation Report for the City of Bellevue

Source: City of Bellevue Transportation Department
This report pinpoints pedestrian facilities requiring additional assessment and potential modification to ensure that the City's public rights-of-way meet ADA standards.
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Creating a RoadMap for Producing & Implementing a Bicycle Master Plan

Source: Active Living Resource Center
This document will serve as a starting point for discussion of Bicycle Master Plans and as a guide to process.
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Guide for Review and Assessment of Local Mobility Plans

Source: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Center for Urban Transportation Research
This report sets forth a proposed practice to guide the review of mobility plans with respect to supporting alternative modes, reducing vehicle miles of travel, and enhancing the multimodal environment.
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Lane Configuration Guide to Support Safe Bicycling and Vehicular Travel

Source: Kentucky Department of Transportation (DOT)
This guide shows potential lane configurations that support a Complete Street concept, allowing for safe, compatible traffic conditions for automobiles and bicycles.
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A Brief Portrait of Multimodal Transportation Planning in Oregon and the Path to Achieving It, 1890-1974

Source: Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium
This project was designed to outline transportation chapters of a planned written history of Oregon land use planning, written to make the transportation planning profession relevant to a popular audience.
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