More International Resources Examples

Validation of a New Japanese Walkability Index

Source: Cities
Studies the association of a newly developed walkability index with step counts of Yokohama, Japan citizens.
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Walking for Transportation Undercounted

Source: Transport Reviews
Finds that walking-only trips account for approximately 30% trips in the analyzed cities, and the pedestrian dimension of mobility is largely underestimated if walking that involves other transportation modes is not accounted for.
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How We Get Around a City Is a Gender Equality Issue

Source: The Conversation
Finds that women in most cities achieve as much active travel time as men, however, by being more likely to walk and less likely to cycle, women’s access to the city is significantly limited.
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Stockholmers to Plan Daily Routes According to Air Quality

Reports that Stockholm, Sweden is working on a project that will provide visualizations of the real time levels of nitrogen dioxide (NOx) and microparticles (PM10) pollutants on mobile apps to help people walking and biking plan their trips around the city to avoid the most polluted areas on any particular day.
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Streetfilms: New York City Cargo Bike Revolution for Carrying Kids

Source: Treehugger
Describes a recent Streetfilms video about the increase in cargo bike use in New York City, primarily to carry children rather than cargo, and cites the challenge of parking heavier, larger cargo bikes.
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The Impact of Quick and Creative Street Projects in Massachusetts

Source: Barr Foundation, The Lawrence & Lillian Solomon Foundation
Describes innovative, rapid response pedestrian, bicycle, transit and public space projects built across Massachusetts in response to the pandemic and their impacts.
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Facilities for Walking and Biking Can Increase Safety, but Intersections Still Lag

Source: State Smart Transportation Initiative
Reports on a study investigating correlation between pedestrian crashes and sidewalk gaps within the Central Florida region.
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An Analysis of the Final Mile Bicycle Infrastructure Program

Source: Urban Institute
Reports on the successes and challenges of the Final Mile program which funded communications campaigns, sustained advocacy efforts, and engineering consulting in five US cities to help stimulate further investment in cycling infrastructure.
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New 435-Mile Walking Route Around Prince Edward Island, Canada

Source: Food & Wine
Describes The Island Walk, a new 435-mile walk around the perimeter of Prince Edward Island that includes a mix of coastal sections, historic trail, dirt roads, and peaceful streets.
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How the Philippines Built 500km of Bike Lanes in 9 Months

Source: World Bank Blogs
Reports how the Philippines allocated more than $22 million for active mobility infrastructure during the pandemic and built almost 500 kilometers (311 mi) of bike lanes in 9 months.
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