More International Resources Examples

Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Bike Share Service in Ottawa-Gatineau

Source: National Capital Commission (NCC), the Cities of Ottawa and Gatineau
The study's objectives include the identification of required bike infrastructure for such a program, costs and revenue projections and the demand for such an initiative.
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Bikeability Checklist in Spanish

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Insightful questions allowing you to evaluate your neighborhood's bikeability.
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The Role of FHWA Programs In Livability: State of the Practice Summary

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation; Federal Highway Administration
This research paper highlights the current state of the practice relative to the implementation of livability principles within the context of the Federal-aid highway program.
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Fiscal Year 2011 Update on the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program

This March 2011 update summarizes some of the accomplishments of the four communities that are part of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP).
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Effective Delivery of Small-Scale Federal-Aid Projects

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The purpose of this synthesis is to identify and document methods for meeting federal requirements for small-scale projects in a more streamlined fashion.
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Complete Streets Policy Analysis 2010

Source: National Complete Streets Coalition
This report documents the rapid growth of Complete Streets policy adoption and provides a standard analysis of the content of more than 200 written policies adopted before January 1, 2011.
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Bridgeport Way: The Role of a Major Arterial in Town-Making

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The redevelopment of an arterial road in University Place, Washington to reduce crashes and contribute to the local economy.
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Complete Streets Implementation in Sacramento

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Streets should be designed to accommodate all users, promote sustainable transportation, and make neighborhoods and the urban core more livable.
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Analysis of Bicycling Trends and Policies in Large North American Cities

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration
This research report for the reviews trends in cycling levels, safety, and policies in large North American cities over the past two decades.
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Advocacy and Public Health: Partners for Walkable, Bikeable Communities

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The ACEs project developed the concept of an Active Living Task Force to formalize collaboration among people from diverse sectors with a stake in the way a community supports active living.
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