More Design and Engineering Guidance Examples

State and Regional Agencies Work with Community Members in Charleston

Source: National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report on Transportation and Health
A partnership for health in Charleston, South Carolina, uses a citizen survey to help determine and ensure preferred allocation of transportation funds to pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
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Safety and Location Criteria for Bicycle Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report is a compendium of all research activities undertaken during the Safety and Locational Criteria for Bicycle Facilities research projet.
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State of the Art: Class I Bicycle Path Pavements

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report presents the state-of-the-art (at the time of writing) of Class I bicycle path pavements.
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School Trip Safety and Urban Play Areas

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The purpose of the School Trip Safety and Urban Play Areas research project was to develop guidelines for the protection of young pedestrians (5 -14 yrs) walking to and from school, entering and leaving school buses,
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Planning for the Bicycle as a Form of Transportation

Source: Federal Highway Administration
A Bikeway Systems Planning Manual for assisting public officials and bicycle enthusiast groups in designing and implementing safe and economic bikeways in the local community.
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Planning, Design, and Maintenance of Pedestrian Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This handbook consolidates the current state-of-the-art pertaining to pedestrian facilities.
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Safety & Locational Criteria for Bicycle Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This manual is designed to enable users to make judgements on the need for and the location and form of biyclc facilities.
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Case Study No. 24: Current Planning Guidelines and Design Standards Being Used by State and Local Agencies for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
It is the goal of this case study to define current planning guidelines and design standards that are being used by States and localities fo the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and identify state-
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Case Study No. 21: Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Considerations into State and Local Transportation Planning, Design, and Operations

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report examines the process of "institutionalization" of bicycle and pedestrian considerations. It follows the process of institutionalization, the elements of integration, methods to legitimize bicycling and walking,
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Case Study No. 17: Bicycle and Pedestrian Policies and Programs in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report examines biycle and pedestrian programs and policies in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, with particular attention to lessons that may be useful to U.S. transportation professionals and policymakers.
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