More Design and Engineering Guidance Examples

Universal Design Audit Checklist

Source: Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access
Tool developed by the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access to assess the design of a facility for universal access.
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America Walks

Source: The National Coalition of Walking Advocates
America Walks provides a support network for local pedestrian advocacy groups and offers advice how to get started and how to be effective with public officials and engineering and design professionals.
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Transportation Research Board

Source: Transportation Research Board
The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to promote innovation and progress in transportation through research. The site provides a wealth of documents online as well as books and journals for sale.
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United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)

Source: United States Access Board
The Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities.
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Pedestrian Safety Roadshow

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The purpose of the Roadshow is to assist communities in developing their own approach to identifying and solving the problems that affect pedestrian safety and walkability. The website contains an overview of the program and links to statistics and tools concerning pedestrians.
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Office of Highway Safety Pedestrian/Bicyclist Safety Program

Source: Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety
This site is designed to make it easier for the pedestrian safety practitioner and advocate to locate and acquire the most appropriate resources to meet their particular planning, design, and operation needs for pedestrian facilities.
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FHWA Office of Highway Safety

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This site contains information aboutpolicy, facts and statistics, design guidelines, crash analysis, safety education, and more concerning both pedestrians and bicyclists.
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Portland's Blue Bike Lanes

Source: City of Portland Office of Transportation
The project goal is to investigate the effectiveness of colored pavement markings in reducing bicyclist-motorist conflicts at designated crossing areas.
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FHWA Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The Bicycle & Pedestrian Program website presents information on funding, legislation, and design standards. It also provides federal publications related to pedestrian and bicycle issues.
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Mayor's Committee on the Built Environment

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Louisville Mayor initiates improvement to the pedestrian environment through a health program, a committee on the built environment, a bike summit, and an upcoming pedestrian summit.
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