More Design and Engineering Guidance Examples

Rutgers Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center

Source: The State University of New Jersey at Rutgers
The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is a national leader in the research and development of innovative transportation policy.
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Bike Plan Source Hot Topics provided by Tracy-Williams Consulting

Source: Tracy-Williams Consulting
The Bike Plan Source page provides articles on various topics relating to designing for bicycles.
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Oregon Department of Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

Source: State of Oregon
This site provides infomation for local residents in addition to a variety of resources adaptable to general users, including design guides and standard drawings.
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City of Cambridge, MA Environmental and Transportation Division

Source: City of Cambridge
The City of Cambridge's pedestrian program works to improve walking conditions in the city through engineering improvements, promotional activities, and educational project.
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Florida Department of Transportation Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program

Source: Florida Department of Transportation
The Florida Pedestrian and Bicycle Program works in many areas to promote safe walking and bicycling in Florida.
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Metropolitan Transportation Commission Bicycles/Pedestrians

Source: San Fransisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission
The San Fransisco Bay Area MTC website offers information on current events, as well as a detailed planning toolbox and an engineering countermeasure database.
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Victoria Transport Policy Institute

Source: Victoria Transport Policy Institute
The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems.
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PlannersWeb - Planning Commissioners Journal

Source: Planning Commissioners Journal
This website offers a variety of resources for non-professional citizen planners.
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Complete the Streets

Source: National Complete Streets Coalition
This site contains design guides, training materials, illustrative presentations, susccessful case studies, and further resources on creating complete streets.
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Bike Walk Virginia

Source: Bike Walk Virginia
BikeWalk Virginia is an educational nonprofit organization that conducts advocacy, education, and training programs.
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