More Equity Examples

Walk this Way

Source: Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program
This paper presents information about the economic benefits of walkability in Washington, D.C.
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Using Health Impact Assessments to Evaluate Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
This white paper explores the opportunities that exist for incorporating Health Impact Assessments in the transportation planning process.
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Fiscal Year 2011 Update on the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program

This March 2011 update summarizes some of the accomplishments of the four communities that are part of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP).
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Advocacy and Public Health: Partners for Walkable, Bikeable Communities

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The ACEs project developed the concept of an Active Living Task Force to formalize collaboration among people from diverse sectors with a stake in the way a community supports active living.
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The Australian National Cycling Strategy 2011-2016

Source: Australian Bicycle Council
The NCS 2011-16 sets out a framework of six key priorities: cycling promotion, infrastructure and facilities, integrated planning, safety, monitoring and evaluation, and guidance and best practice
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Transportation Enhancements: A Summary of Nationwide Spending as of FY 2009

Source: National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse
An overview of how States have spent their cumulative TE funds.
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Transportation Enhancements: A Summary of Nationwide Spending as of FY 2007

Source: National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse
An overview of how States have spent their cumulative TE funds.
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Recreational Trails Program

Source: Coalition for Recreational Trails
The Coalition for Recreational Trails with the Federal Highway Administration, developed a database of State trail projects that had received funding from the Recreational Trails Program since the program'
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Surface Transportation Environment and Planning (STEP) Cooperative Research Program

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The general objective of the STEP is to improve understanding of the complex relationship between surface transportation, planning and the environment.
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Pedestrian Safety Report to Congress

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report was a response to the SAFETEA-LU, Public Law 109-59, Section 2003(e), which requires the Secretary of Transportation to produce a comprehensive report on pedestrian safety.
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