More International Resources Examples

Association of MPOs AV Working Group

Source: Association of MPOs AV Working Group
This working group serves as a focal point for MPOs to engage with USDOT on connected and automated vehicle programs, policies, and issues. This page contains more information on the working group and a detailed list of resources and meeting presentations.
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Automated Vehicles Legislative Database

Source: National Conference of State Legislatures
The NCSL tracks state-level enacted legislation related to automated vehicles and maintains an AV Legislative Database.
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Eno Center

Source: Eno Center for Transportation
The Eno Center regularly covers AV-related policy news and is a resource for policy makers.
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Environmental Justice Considerations for Connected and Automated Vehicles

Source: US Department of Transportation
This FHWA report highlights how automated vehicles could either address the needs of environmental justice populations or further transportation inequities.
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Connected Vehicles

Source: US Department of Transportation
This page explains connected vehicles and how they interact with vulnerable road users.
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Federal Automated Vehicles Policy: Accelerating the Next Revolution In Roadway Design

Source: US Department of Transportation
This report details Federal AV policy, includes a model for state AV policies, and issues guidance for AV design and development.
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Automated Vehicles website

Source: US Department of Transportation
The NHTSA Automated Vehicles website provides information on NHTSA policy, updates on technology and innovation, and answers to frequently asked questions.
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Non-government Funding

Source: Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Businesses and non-profits often award grants or serve as partners for projects and programs that support walking and biking.
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Government Funding

Source: Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center
At any level of government, the rules and criteria used to establish agency priorities should ensure that good bicycle and pedestrian projects compete well for funding.
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Source: Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Funding for bicycle and pedestrian activities is administered through Government Agencies and Non-government Sources, such as private not-for profit groups and advocacy organizations.
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