More International Resources Examples

Neighborhood Slow Zones

Source: New York City DOT
Describes countermeasures and evaluation used to slow traffic in identified neighborhoods.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning University Course Materials

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Pedestrian and bicycle transportation courses offered from institutions across the United States.
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Ideas to Promote Bicycle Safety

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Offers educational materials to reinforce safety messages and behaviors.
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Demonstration of Promising Practices to Increase Proper Bicycle Helmet Use in Middle School Youth

Source: Center for Education and Research in Safety and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Shares behavioral strategies to increase the helmet use of middle school children.
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Evaluating the Economic Impact of Shared Use Paths in North Carolina

Source: Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) and Alta Planning and Design
Reports on designing and testing a methodology to evaluate a range of monetized benefits from four different trails.
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Collecting Network-Wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Data: A Guidebook for When and Where to Count

Source: Washington State Department of Transportation
Provides specific guidance for communities interested in starting or improving a manual pedestrian and bicycle count program in Washington State and beyond.
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Engaging Underserved Communities to Focus on Building More Complete Streets

Source: APHA and Transportation for America
Examines an outreach effort for a regional agency in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
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Vision Zero Network: Moving from Vision to Action

Source: Vision Zero Network
Offers principles behind Vision Zero to provide a foundation for policymaking and planning.
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TriMet Pedestrian Network Analysis

Source: TriMet
Serves as a model for considering pedestrian connections to transit within the transportation network.
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Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Provides examples of applying nonmotorized network principles in small and rural communities.
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