City of Pleasant Hill ADA Transition Plan

Source: City of Pleasant Hill, Alta Planning and Design

The City of Pleasant Hill, Iowa, developed this Transition Plan in accordance with requirements stemming from ADA. A Transition Plan is meant to be a living document that serves to help the City transition the system to compliance. It serves as a monitoring tool to document upgrades to public right-of-way and report on them on an annual basis to document progress in implementing the plan. It should be updated as design standards and requirements change. As city boundaries grow, so does the need to incorporate acquired facilities into the self-evaluation and transition plan process. Ensuring that new facilities built by the City, Iowa DOT, and new development are ADA-compliant allows greater attention to be paid to addressing existing deficiencies and guarding against new facilities becoming a future liability. Once adopted, Pleasant Hill should incorporate an annual investment program for ADA upgrades along with continued efforts to upgrade facilities as roads are resurfaced and opportunities arise to improve the system.

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